I’m grateful that Wave House was brought into Singapore and we have both the Flowbarrel and the Double Flowrider. Some venue across the world have only either one of the wave machine. I started learning on the flowrider and then moved onto the barrel. If you ask me which I love most…I won’t be able to answer that question coz I love both equally.

                                                    FLOWRIDER @ SURFHOUSE PHUKET

                                       TOP ASIAN RIDERS KICKING IT ON THE FLOWRIDER

The Flowrider is an elevated flat sheet wave. The tricks you do on the Flowrider are more towards skateboarding tricks like shuv, kickflips, ollie and the list goes on….. So I say, skateboarders who can get the basics of flowboarding will pick up the sport REAL fast.

                                                THE FLOWBARREL IN MALLORCA, SPAIN

                                                 THE FLOWBARREL IN MALLORCA, SPAIN

As for the Flowbarrel, it looks more like surfing because of the whole barrel look. You can get barrelled for sure but it’s totally different from surfing altogether. The control and the technicality are somehow different…however, you can do surfing manuevers on the Flowbarrel like snap, round house cutback and aerial maneuvers like a backflip.